Pixel art of Ockto the octopus
Sam Russell


Hi, My name is Sam and this is my porfolio site. Ocktapus just looks after the place. I am a Games Development Graduate with a love for creating player experinces. I have a strong interest in everything to do with games being made, from music to UI, as long as theres something to learn! (This is still a work in progress site!)


Bsc in Games Development (2.1)
- Norwich University of the Arts - Norfolk
- September 2018 to 2021
A-Level in Computer Science, AS in Mathematics, Extended Project Qualification - Art & Design
- Dereham Sixth Form College - Norfolk
- September 2015 to May 2017 
10 GCSEs (A* - C) including Mathematics and English
- Dereham Neatherd High School - Norfolk
- September 2010 to June 2015
- Unreal and Unity Visual scripting
- Some HLSL
- Some Python (in Blender)
- Live2D
- Aseprite
- Krita/Similar



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Third Year Project - NUA

  • This was a project from my third year. It was an experiment involving creating a smooth first person player controller, inspired by movement-shooters like DOOM and Titanfall 2. The twist being that it would involve exclusively melee combat on the players side. The controller had the base for a combat system, movement, sliding and jump and dashing styles. It used Unity’s colliders but physics, ramp climbing and wall slides were created by me. For the final project I created a menu system with basic settings, a testing level, and an endless runner. During development I also experimented with Ray Tracing in Unity.

    University Project
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    They Hide in the Shadows - Game Jam

  • This was a game jam project from 2018, before University. This was my first proper attempt at a game Jam. Overall I was very happy with the result, and learnt a lot about planning ahead of time...

    Game Jam